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GAP cover gets you back on track

GAP Insurance covers the shortfall between what you paid for your vehicle and the insurance pay out should you be unfortunate enough to make a total loss claim. If your vehicle is stolen, involved in an accident or damaged by fire or floods and your insurance company declares it a write off, they will settle at the value of the vehicle at the time, this can leave you out of pocket by thousands of pounds.

A brand new car can lose up to 70% of its value in the first three years alone, while a second-hand car can lose as much as 20% in the first six months, giving you an idea of the financial impact a write off could have. Don’t get caught out – protect your investment with ALA GAP Insurance today.

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Best Price Guarantee

Find a comparable GAP Insurance premium online for less, and we will match the price!

Find a comparable GAP policy online for less and we will match the price*

ALA know that both quality and price is important when buying insurance. This is why we offer a Best Price Guarantee.

If you find a cheaper comparable GAP quote online ALA will match the price!

Call us on 01653 916304 or email for more details.


*All ALA offers are subject to our fair usage terms and conditions.

Let’s find the GAP plan best suited to you…

Back to Invoice Plus

Suitable for new and used vehicles up to 10 years old that are owned outright or on finance. Vehicles are eligible for this type of policy if they have been purchased within the last 180 days (or 365 where the car has been covered by new for old cover within the first 12 months)

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Vehicle Replacement Plus

A Vehicle Replacement Plus GAP Insurance policy will either pay the difference between the Comprehensive Insurance settlement and a) the cost of replacing your car as it was when originally purchased or b) the outstanding finance, whichever is higher at the time. It is suitable for vehicles owned outright or on finance and for new and used vehicles up to 7 years old, with fewer than 80,000 miles, delivered within the last 90 days.

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Contract Hire Plus

Contract Hire GAP Insurance pays the difference between the comprehensive insurance settlement and the amount of outstanding rentals as well as any shortfall in the vehicle value in the event of a total loss claim. Suitable for new and used vehicles on contract hire, delivered within the last 365 days.

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Agreed Value GAP

Suitable for used vehicles, our policy has no age or mileage restriction – so long as your vehicle’s value is obtainable on Glass’s Guide. Pays the difference between the comprehensive insurance settlement and the Glass’s Guide retail value at the time of the policy purchase. We would not look at the original purchase price of the vehicle on this policy.

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Our quick guide to GAP

Lots of people ask us these questions, so you might want to know too…

Gap Insurance
white car with purple plate GAP Insurance
Smiling man sat behind a wheel of a modern car looking over to the passenger side

What is GAP Insurance?

GAP stands for Guaranteed Asset Protection. There are several specific types of GAP insurance but the overall purpose of this type of cover is to protect you financially in the event of a total loss claim.


Whilst a large number of policies are purchased for brand new cars, GAP Insurance can be taken out on used models if desired. Vehicles are an expensive and often long-term investment, and driving – by its very nature – can be inherently dangerous, so unfortunately there is no way of guaranteeing the condition and health of your car.

Depreciation within the car market is very high. Up to 77% of the value of a brand-new vehicle can vanish over a 3-year period, while some used cars can depreciate by as much as 20% within the first six months. Add this to the fact that vehicle theft has accounted for around one in seven crimes, there has been a 7% increase in vehicle theft in 2018, and a 30% increase since 2015, not to mention the high rate at which vehicles are written off, GAP Insurance attempts to provide some much needed indemnity should anything untoward occur to your vehicle.